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PFActivityMonitoringInitializationJob Methods

The PFActivityMonitoringInitializationJob type exposes the following members.

Public methodCancelAsync
Call this method to cancel PFJob execution.
(Inherited from PFJob.)
Protected methodExecute
Here lies your execution code.
(Overrides PFJobExecute.)
Public methodGetChoicesForSetting
Gets the possible choices for given setting (or parameter).
(Inherited from PFJob.)
Protected methodGetRunUsers
Override this property to return a list of users authorized to run this PFJob. Don't forget to include users from base method.
(Inherited from PFJob.)
Protected methodInitJob
Initializes the job. Override this method to set default values to parameters, and to subscribe on job events.
(Overrides PFJobInitJob.)
Protected methodOnProgressionChanged
Call this method in 'Execute' to report a progression changed. Makes the 'Progression' property available.
(Inherited from PFJob.)
Protected methodOnProgressionChanged(Int32, String)
Call this method in 'Execute' to report a progression changed. Makes the 'Progression' property available.
(Inherited from PFJob.)
Public methodRun
Call this method to run PFJob synchronously.
(Inherited from PFJob.)
Public methodRunAsync
Call this method to run PFJob asynchronously
(Inherited from PFJob.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodValidate
Validates this job parameters. Override this method to provide custom validation for your parameters. Throw PFJobValidationException if necessary.
(Overrides PFJobValidate.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodAsT
Casts an object to another type. Returns default(T) if the object is null.
(Defined by Utils_Other.)
Public Extension MethodEqualsAll
Checks that this object is equal to every object in parameters.
(Defined by Utils_Other.)
Public Extension MethodEqualsAny
Checks that this object is equal to at least one of the parameters.
(Defined by Utils_Other.)
Public Extension MethodGetString
Converts an object to String using ToString() method, else returns String.Empty.
(Defined by Utils_Other.)
Public Extension MethodIsGenericListOverloaded.
Checks if this object is a System.Collections.Generic.List.
(Defined by Utils_Linq.)
Public Extension MethodIsGenericList(Type)Overloaded.
Checks if this object is a System.Collections.Generic.List using type as T.
(Defined by Utils_Linq.)
Public Extension MethodSerializeOverloaded.
Serializes an object into an XML document.
(Defined by Utils_Xml.)
Public Extension MethodSerialize(String)Overloaded.
Serializes an object into an XML document.
(Defined by Utils_Xml.)
Public Extension MethodSerializeJsonOverloaded.
Serializes an object using a DataContractJsonSerializer.
(Defined by Utils_String.)
Public Extension MethodSerializeJson(ListType)Overloaded.
Serializes an object using a DataContractJsonSerializer.
(Defined by Utils_String.)
Public Extension MethodSerializeJson(DataContractJsonSerializerSettings)Overloaded.
Serializes an object using a DataContractJsonSerializer.
(Defined by Utils_String.)
See Also