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PFContentType Methods

The PFContentType type exposes the following members.

Public methodDelete
Flags this object as deleted.

If it fails, throws an error.

If the object could not be deleted because it does not yet exist in database, returns false.

If successful, returns true.

(Inherited from PFBaseObject.)
Protected methodFinalize
Finalizes an instance of the PFContentType class.
(Overrides ObjectFinalize.)
Public methodGenerateActorsListForItem
Does NOT return the actual list of actors (tasks) of an item.

Computes the list of task actors based on the current situation (context, roles, user fields, modeling, ...).

Public methodGetAllRelatedContentTypes
Gets all content-types related to this content-type with a relation of the current application.
Protected methodGetNewPermissionContext
Creates a new permission context based on current object type.
(Overrides PFBaseObjectGetNewPermissionContext.)
Public methodGetObjectRelationByName
Gets a children entities relation by its name.
(Inherited from PFRelationalObject.)
Public methodGetRelationContentType(String)
Gets the content-type at the other side of a given relation.
Public methodGetRelationContentType(ContentRelation)
Gets the content-type at the other side of a given relation.
Public methodGetRelationContentType(ContentRelation, Boolean)
Gets the content-type at the other side of a given relation.
Public methodGetSortedViews
Gets the list of views, sorted depending on the value of the ViewOrderType property.
Public methodGetWorkflowSchemaFileName
Gets the workflow schema file name for the specified language.
Public methodGetWorkflowSchemaRelativeUrl
Gets the workflow schema file relative URL for the specified language.
Protected methodInitializeLogger
Use this method to override the way the logger is initialized.
(Inherited from PFStructureObject.)
Protected methodProcessPermissions
Compute permissions from permission context and set in data properties.
(Inherited from PFStructureObject.)
Public methodRunInTransactionArea
Runs a code with a transaction on object connection. If there is no current transaction and if the code succeed, transaction is committed. If an exception is thrown, transaction is rollback.
(Inherited from PFBaseObject.)
Public methodSave
Applies the data of this object in the database.

If this object does not exist in the database yet, the children tables will be ensured.

After the save, Insert permissions of children objects are updated in the database (RLS).

(Overrides PFStructureObjectSave.)
Protected methodSaveObjectsInDataCollection
Saves data loaded from temp specialized objects in data properties collection before save or check hasPendingChanges.
(Inherited from PFBaseObject.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodAsT
Casts an object to another type. Returns default(T) if the object is null.
(Defined by Utils_Other.)
Public Extension MethodEqualsAll
Checks that this object is equal to every object in parameters.
(Defined by Utils_Other.)
Public Extension MethodEqualsAny
Checks that this object is equal to at least one of the parameters.
(Defined by Utils_Other.)
Public Extension MethodGetString
Converts an object to String using ToString() method, else returns String.Empty.
(Defined by Utils_Other.)
Public Extension MethodIsGenericListOverloaded.
Checks if this object is a System.Collections.Generic.List.
(Defined by Utils_Linq.)
Public Extension MethodIsGenericList(Type)Overloaded.
Checks if this object is a System.Collections.Generic.List using type as T.
(Defined by Utils_Linq.)
Public Extension MethodSerializeOverloaded.
Serializes an object into an XML document.
(Defined by Utils_Xml.)
Public Extension MethodSerialize(String)Overloaded.
Serializes an object into an XML document.
(Defined by Utils_Xml.)
Public Extension MethodSerializeJsonOverloaded.
Serializes an object using a DataContractJsonSerializer.
(Defined by Utils_String.)
Public Extension MethodSerializeJson(ListType)Overloaded.
Serializes an object using a DataContractJsonSerializer.
(Defined by Utils_String.)
Public Extension MethodSerializeJson(DataContractJsonSerializerSettings)Overloaded.
Serializes an object using a DataContractJsonSerializer.
(Defined by Utils_String.)
See Also