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PFQuery Properties

The PFQuery type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAggregations
Gets or sets the list of aggregations.

When used without groups in a query, one PFGroupedObject is returned containing aggregations of all objects.

When used with groups in a query, each returned PFGroupedObject will contain these aggregations.

Public propertyCustomFields
Gets or sets the list of custom fields, impacting which values are selected.

Important: the use of this list depends on the value of FieldsMode.

Public propertyEnablePaging
Gets or sets a value indicating whether paging is active.

If true, PageSize and PageNo are used.

Default value: false.

Public propertyFieldsMode
Gets or sets a value specifying how a query should determine which values are selected as output.
Public propertyGroups
Gets or sets the list of groups.

If used, the query will return grouped objects with aggregated values, instead of targeted objects.

Public propertyOrders
Gets or sets the list of sorting rules.
Public propertyPageNo
Gets or sets the page number. One-based index.

Only used if EnablePaging is set to true.

Public propertyPages
Gets or sets the number of pages to return.

This setting is not persisted.

Only used if EnablePaging is set to true.

Public propertyPageSize
Gets or sets the page size.

Only used if EnablePaging is set to true.

Public propertyPagingIncludeNextResult
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this query can include the first result of the next page, if any.

This allows to know easily if there is a next page.

Only used if EnablePaging is set to true.

Public propertyResultsLimit
Gets or sets the maximum number of elements that can be returned by this query.

Only used if EnablePaging is set to false.

Public propertyResultsScope
Gets or sets the scope of the query, specifying which kind of objects is concerned by the query.
Public propertyResultsSkip
Gets or sets the number of elements to bypass. Following elements are returned.

Only used if EnablePaging is set to false.

Default value: 0 (no element skipped).

Public propertyRootNode
Gets or sets the root node of the filters tree.
Public propertyUseBulkMode
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the bulk mode must be used.

The bulk mode is generally used in situations where RLS can be very restrictive on large amount of data.

The bulk mode will filter results using the query filters first, and RLS only after.

This mode will also use a cache for RLS information.

See Also