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PFQueryFilter_DateTime Properties

The PFQueryFilter_DateTime type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCoalesce

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the column value, if null, should be converted for this test.

Ex: "SampleColumn!='Test'" becomes "COALESCE(SampleColumn, '')!='Test'" if this is enabled and the chosen coalesce value is an empty string.

(Inherited from PFQueryFilter.)
Public propertyCoalesceValue

Gets or sets a value to use as an alternative for the column value if it is null.

Used only if the property Coalesce is True.

Ex: "SampleColumn!='Test'" becomes "COALESCE(SampleColumn, '')!='Test'" if Coalesce is True and the chosen coalesce value is an empty string.

(Inherited from PFQueryFilter.)
Public propertyDateTime_Offset
Gets or sets the offset applied to the field value.
Public propertyDateTime_OffsetXml
Used for serialization. Do not use.
Public propertyFieldName
Gets or sets the name of the target field/column.
(Inherited from PFQueryFilter.)
Public propertyFieldValue
Gets or sets the value used for comparisons.
(Overrides PFQueryFilterFieldValue.)
Public propertyFilterOnGroupedValues

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the filter should apply to splitted values after group instead of filtering objects directly.

This will only apply -To choice and user multi-values fields. -If the filtered field is also grouped. -If the filtered value is not null.

Note : this parameter is NOT serialized because its use is very rare.

(Inherited from PFQueryFilter.)
Public propertyHasRestriction
Gets a value indicating whether there are restrictions,

limiting the use of this filter to certain objects.

(Inherited from PFQueryFilter.)
Public propertyIgnoreAccents
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this filter should ignore accents or not.

Note : this only applies when the database is currently NOT ignoring accents by default.

Attention, this can greatly degrade performances!

(Inherited from PFQueryFilter.)
Public propertyOperator
Gets or sets the filter's operator.
(Inherited from PFQueryFilter.)
Public propertyRestrictedToParents
Gets or sets a list of parents' GUIDs.

If not empty, the filter will be applied to a subset of objects, depending on their parent.

(Inherited from PFQueryFilter.)
Public propertyUnknownValue
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the filter value is already known.

This is typically used (= set to true) when a query is created to be stored and not executed immediately, e.g. for stored procedures.

(Inherited from PFQueryFilter.)
Public propertyUseNow
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current DateTime (Now) should be used for comparison when the query is executed.
See Also