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PFGridViewSettingsData Class

Represents the inner settings of a gridview.

Note: inner settings are transmitted to client-side who will send them to SignalR. Then, the server will create a new instance of settings from these inner settings. To setup a gridview, you can use the not-inner settings classes.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Packflow.Interface
Assembly:  MicaSystems.Packflow.Interface (in MicaSystems.Packflow.Interface.dll) Version: (
public abstract class PFGridViewSettingsData

The PFGridViewSettingsData type exposes the following members.

Public methodPFGridViewSettingsData
Initializes a new instance of the PFGridViewSettingsData class.
Public propertyAutoOpenGroups
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the first level of groups must be directly opened/loaded.
Public propertyCulture
Gets the culture code (two letters format).
Public propertyCustomFilters Obsolete.
Old setting. Do not use.
Public propertyCustomServerFilters
Gets or sets the server-side custom filters.
Public propertyCustomSortFieldName
Gets or sets the custom sort field name.
Public propertyCustomSortOrder
Gets or sets the custom sort order.
Public propertyDataType
Gets or sets the kind of data targeted by the gridview.
Public propertyDisableAllLinks
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the links generated in the gridview should be inactive. Note: also depend on PFView setting.
Public propertyEnableCheckboxes
Gets or sets a value indicating whether checkboxes are shown at the beginning of each row.
Public propertyEnabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the gridview is enabled.

If set to False, the gridview will not load until the setting is set back to True.

Public propertyGroupsInfos
Gets or sets the groups infos (technical, used client side).
Public propertyIncludeSourceInUrls
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the URLs should contain a source (generally the current page).
Public propertyMaxColumns
Gets or sets the maximum number columns that can be shown.
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the gridview name.
Public propertyNavigationSessionId
Gets the id of the current user session, used to find the corresponding [!:Packflow.Core.PFNavigationSession].
Public propertyPageNumber
Gets or sets the number of the loaded page.
Public propertyQuickSearchFields
Gets or sets the list of field names (=key) and display names (=value) used for quick searches.

If TargetingMode is set to Default, this list will only apply on the current view.

If TargetingMode is set to Custom, this list will apply even if the view changes client-side.

Public propertyQuickSearchTargetingMode
Gets or sets a value indicating how the quicksearch feature is selecting the fields to be filtered.
Public propertyResultsScope
Gets or sets the results scope: deleted, not deleted or both.
Public propertySerializedCustomServerFilters
Gets or sets the serialized server-side custom filters.
Public propertyShowAvailableValuesInFilters
Gets or sets a value indicating whether available values are proposed when filtering a text/choice/user field (header popup).
Public propertyShowOpenFormIcon
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the icon opening the item form is shown (on each row).
Public propertyUrl_Source
Gets or sets the source URL.
Public propertyUserFilters
Gets or sets the user filters (usually filled client-side with the various filtering features).
Protected methodGetData(String)
Gets a setting metadata.
Protected methodGetDataT(String)
Gets a setting metadata.
Public methodGetGridViewData
Gets GridView settings properties (does not include placeHolder settings!).
Public methodSetCustomFilters Obsolete.
Old method. Do not use.
Protected methodSetData
Sets the value of a setting
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public fieldStatic memberSetting_AutoOpenGroups
Setting name, used to store value in the local dictionary and represent the value client-side.
Public fieldStatic memberSetting_Culture
Setting name, used to store value in the local dictionary and represent the value client-side.
Public fieldStatic memberSetting_CustomFilters
Setting name, used to store value in the local dictionary and represent the value client-side.
Public fieldStatic memberSetting_CustomSortFieldName
Setting name, used to store value in the local dictionary and represent the value client-side.
Public fieldStatic memberSetting_CustomSortOrder
Setting name, used to store value in the local dictionary and represent the value client-side.
Public fieldStatic memberSetting_DataType
Setting name, used to store value in the local dictionary and represent the value client-side.
Public fieldStatic memberSetting_DisableAllLinks
Setting name, used to store value in the local dictionary and represent the value client-side.
Public fieldStatic memberSetting_EnableCheckboxes
Setting name, used to store value in the local dictionary and represent the value client-side.
Public fieldStatic memberSetting_Enabled
Setting name, used to store value in the local dictionary and represent the value client-side.
Public fieldStatic memberSetting_FixedHeader
Setting name, used to store value in the local dictionary and represent the value client-side.
Public fieldStatic memberSetting_GroupsInfos
Setting name, used to store value in the local dictionary and represent the value client-side.
Public fieldStatic memberSetting_IncludeSourceInUrls
Setting name, used to store value in the local dictionary and represent the value client-side.
Public fieldStatic memberSetting_MaxColumns
Setting name, used to store value in the local dictionary and represent the value client-side.
Public fieldStatic memberSetting_Name
Setting name, used to store value in the local dictionary and represent the value client-side.
Public fieldStatic memberSetting_NavigationSessionId
Setting name, used to store value in the local dictionary and represent the value client-side.
Public fieldStatic memberSetting_PageNumber
Setting name, used to store value in the local dictionary and represent the value client-side.
Public fieldStatic memberSetting_QuickSearchFields
Setting name, used to store value in the local dictionary and represent the value client-side.
Public fieldStatic memberSetting_QuickSearchTargetingMode
Setting name, used to store value in the local dictionary and represent the value client-side.
Public fieldStatic memberSetting_ResultsScope
Setting name, used to store value in the local dictionary and represent the value client-side.
Public fieldStatic memberSetting_SerializedCustomServerFilters
Setting name, used to store value in the local dictionary and represent the value client-side.
Public fieldStatic memberSetting_ShowAvailableValuesInFilters
Setting name, used to store value in the local dictionary and represent the value client-side.
Public fieldStatic memberSetting_ShowOpenFormIcon
Setting name, used to store value in the local dictionary and represent the value client-side.
Public fieldStatic memberSetting_SourceUrl
Setting name, used to store value in the local dictionary and represent the value client-side.
Public fieldStatic memberSetting_UserFilters
Setting name, used to store value in the local dictionary and represent the value client-side.
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodAsT
Casts an object to another type. Returns default(T) if the object is null.
(Defined by Utils_Other.)
Public Extension MethodEqualsAll
Checks that this object is equal to every object in parameters.
(Defined by Utils_Other.)
Public Extension MethodEqualsAny
Checks that this object is equal to at least one of the parameters.
(Defined by Utils_Other.)
Public Extension MethodGetString
Converts an object to String using ToString() method, else returns String.Empty.
(Defined by Utils_Other.)
Public Extension MethodIsGenericListOverloaded.
Checks if this object is a System.Collections.Generic.List.
(Defined by Utils_Linq.)
Public Extension MethodIsGenericList(Type)Overloaded.
Checks if this object is a System.Collections.Generic.List using type as T.
(Defined by Utils_Linq.)
Public Extension MethodSerializeOverloaded.
Serializes an object into an XML document.
(Defined by Utils_Xml.)
Public Extension MethodSerialize(String)Overloaded.
Serializes an object into an XML document.
(Defined by Utils_Xml.)
Public Extension MethodSerializeJsonOverloaded.
Serializes an object using a DataContractJsonSerializer.
(Defined by Utils_String.)
Public Extension MethodSerializeJson(ListType)Overloaded.
Serializes an object using a DataContractJsonSerializer.
(Defined by Utils_String.)
Public Extension MethodSerializeJson(DataContractJsonSerializerSettings)Overloaded.
Serializes an object using a DataContractJsonSerializer.
(Defined by Utils_String.)
See Also