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ModelingUtils Class

Provides utilities used by the modeling objects.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Packflow.Modeling
Assembly:  MicaSystems.Packflow.Core (in MicaSystems.Packflow.Core.dll) Version: (
public static class ModelingUtils

The ModelingUtils type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberGetContentColumnList
From a given list of columns' ids, returns all corresponding columns found in the specified model.
Public methodStatic memberGetFieldParentSection
Tries to get the form's section hosting the field of the specified column.
Public methodStatic memberGetIdFromListItem
Extracts an id from a text formatted like "[Id=42] My object".
Public methodStatic memberGetNameFromListItem
Extracts a name from a text formatted like "[Id=42] My object".
Public methodStatic memberGetNextName
Gets the next name of the given name, incrementing the number at the end.
Public methodStatic memberGetValidInternalName
Gets a valid internal name from the given name. Removes all characters not being letters, digits or underscore.
Public methodStatic memberIsParticipationReached
Determines whether the participation of the specified type has been reached.
Public methodStatic memberIsValidInternalName(String)
Determines whether the specified internal name is valid.
Public methodStatic memberIsValidInternalName(String, Boolean)
Determines whether the specified internal name is valid. If checkSpaces is False, spaces are considered as valid characters.
Public methodStatic memberIsValidOpenXmlPassword
Determines whether the specified text does contain only letters.
Public methodStatic memberLoadModel
Loads a model from an XML file located at the specified path.
Public methodStatic memberMajWorkflowFieldsNames Obsolete.
Obsolete method.
Public methodStatic memberObjectWithNotes
Determines whether the specified object handles the property ObjectNotes.
Public methodStatic memberRemoveColumnReferences
Removes all column references from the specified model.
Public methodStatic memberRemoveInvalidFileNameChars
Removes the invalid characters of a given file name.
Public methodStatic memberRemoveRoleReferences
Removes all role references from the specified model.
Public methodStatic memberUpdateListFromModelingListT1, T2
Updates a list (toList) of objects based on another (fromList). Using the comparison function, each object is considered as missing (and then created using the creation function), as already existing (then updated using the update function) or as obsolete (then removed from toList).
See Also