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Utils_Sql Methods

The Utils_Sql type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberColumnExists
Checks if a column exists in a table of a database.
Public methodStatic memberEnsureClosed
Ensures that a data reader is closed. Will not throw if the reader is null or already closed.
Public methodStatic memberEnsureColumn
Ensures a column definition inside a SQL table.
Public methodStatic memberEnsureIndex
Ensures a column index on a SQL table.

Note: for Packflow, the schema should be DBADMIN.

Public methodStatic memberEnsureIndexGroups
Ensures all indexes on a SQL table. Based on column definitions.
Public methodStatic memberEnsureTable
Ensures a table definition in a database.
Public methodStatic memberGetClrType
Tries to obtain the .Net type corresponding to a SQL column type.
Public methodStatic memberGetReferencedObjects
Generates an xml of all objects referenced by the connection.


Public methodStatic memberGetTableColumns
Gets the column names of a SQL table.
Public methodStatic memberIsClosed
Checks if a SQL connection is closed (not open, closed, opening, or broken).
Public methodStatic memberIsOpen
Checks if a SQL connection is open (not closed or broken).
Public methodStatic memberMica_GetKey
Gets the key using Mica_GetPropertyValue.
Public methodStatic memberMica_GetPropertyValue
Gets the string value of a property using reflection.
Public methodStatic memberMica_GetTitle
Gets the title using Mica_GetPropertyValue.
Public methodStatic memberTableExists(SqlConnection, String)
Checks if a table exists in a database.
Public methodStatic memberTableExists(SqlConnection, String, String)
Checks if a table exists in a database, in a given schema.
Public methodStatic memberTableExists(SqlConnection, String, String, String)
Checks if a table exists in a database, in a given schema.
Public methodStatic memberTableExistsInDatabase
Checks if a table exists in a database.
See Also