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MicaSystems.Utils Namespace

Public classAccessDeniedException
Exception thrown when an operation could not be performed because of specific restrictions.
Public classArchiveCreator
Use this class to create a .zip archive from disk files.
Public classArchiveCreatorInstruction
Represents the way a file must be included in an archive.
Public classArchiveExtractor
Use this class to extract a .zip archive to disk.
Public classArchiveExtractorFilePattern
Use this object to filter files.
Public classArchiveExtractorMapping
Represents the way a file must be extracted from an archive.
Public classAssemblyLoadException
Exception thrown when an assembly could not be loaded.
Public classAuthorizationException
Exception thrown when an authorisation is missing to execute an operation.
Public classBuildException
Exception thrown when a project build failed.
Public classBundle
Represents an instruction to (optionnaly) minify and bundle files into a single file.
Public classBundleConfig
Contains instructions to minify and bundle files.
Public classBundleFile
Represents a file to bundle.
Public classCodeStep
Object used in codes needing more progress informations in case an exception is thrown.
Public classDataCollisionException
Exception thrown when different objects have been found with common unique keys.
Public classEnumGuid
Attribute used to assign a guid to a class member.
Public classExceptions
Utilities allowing to create specific exceptions with other signatures.
Public classHtmlBuilder
Represents a mutable Html string. This class leverages C#6 string interpolation feature to conveniently build XSS-safe (HTML) strings.
Public classHtmlEncodingFormatProvider
Controls the formatting of HTML strings.
Public classIconSource
Represents an icon loaded from disk.
Public classImpersonator
Impersonation of a user. Allows to execute code under another user context. Please note that the account that instantiates the Impersonator class needs to have the 'Act as part of operating system' privilege set.
Public classInitializationException
Exception thrown when an object could not be initialized properly.
Public classInvalidFileTypeException
Exception thrown when an object could not be initialized properly.
Public classInvalidStateException
Exception thrown when the current object state does not allow to perform an operation.
Public classJavaScriptMinifier
Public classKeyValuePair2K, V
Defines a key/value pair that can be set or retrieved.

This is a "class" mutable version of KeyValuePair.

Public classLicenceException
Exception thrown when an operation is restricted because of licencing limitations.
Public classLocalT
Provides local-storage of data using a ThreadLocal variable. If an ASP request is in progress will use HttpContext to store the variable.
Public classM_Object
Generic representation of an object that can be inherited to allow some UI to display very different items. Currently used internally by Ticup. To be used externally, an Interface should be created.
Public classMemoryStreamTool
Memory stream utilities.
Public classMicaException
The generic exception. Parent class of all exceptions implemented by Ticup.
Public classMicaWordDocumentRestrictEditing
Uses OpenXML framework to restrict editing. Source:
Public classMinificationInstruction
Represents an instruction to minify non minified files in a folder.
Public classMissingDataException
Exception thrown when required data are missing on an object.
Public classNumericValueTypeUtils
Extensions for the enum NumericValueType.
Public classObjectNotFoundException
Exception thrown when an object has not been found.
Public classOperationFailedException
Generic exception thrown when an operation failed.
Public classOperationResult
Represents the result of an operation, positive or negative.
Public classOperationResultData
All data used by an Operation result.
Public classPerformanceChecker
Represents a complete test of performances.
Public classPerformanceEntry
Represents a set of durations concerning a same type of executed code.
Public classReadOnlyDictionaryTKey, TValue
This dictionary will throw an exception every time a change operation is attempted.
Public classReadOnlyDictionaryUtils
Utils allowing to create a read-only dictionary.
Public classSerializableDictionaryTKey, TValue
Represents an XML serializable collection of keys and values.
Public classSqlColumnBaseDefinition
Definition of a SQL column used to ensure a column in a database.
Public classSqlColumnBaseDefinitionOperationsSettings
Settings used to customize the way a column should be used in various query operations.
Public classSqlConnectionException
Exception thrown if a connection to an SQL server could not be established.
Public classSqlEnsuringException
Exception thrown during an ensuring operation of a SQL structure.
Public classSqlTableBaseDefinition
Definition of a SQL table used to ensure a table in a database.
Public classSqlTransactionException
Exception thrown during a transaction execution.
Public classUniverseException
Exception thrown when the answer is wrong.
Public classUserInfo
Generic object containing the information of a user.
Public classUtils_ACL
Utility class to process Access Control Lists in windows systems.
Public classUtils_Asp
ASP utilities.
Public classUtils_Color
Local color utilities.
Public classUtils_Directory
Folders/Directories utilities.
Public classUtils_DirectoryServices
Local or Active Directory utilities.
Public classUtils_File
Files utilities.
Public classUtils_Html
Html content manipulation utilities. Relies on HtmlAgilityPack. inspired from:
Public classUtils_Icons
Icons utilities.
Public classUtils_IIS
IIS Utilities.
Public classUtils_Linq
LINQ utilities.
Public classUtils_Minification
Utilities for Javascript and StyleSheet minification.

Important: css one line comments (using '//') are not handled.

Public classUtils_Other
Miscellaneous utilities.
Public classUtils_Registry
Local registry utilities.
Public classUtils_Requirements
Public classUtils_Service
Windows Services utilities.
Public classUtils_Sql
SQL Utilities.
Public classUtils_String
String utilities.
Public classUtils_Url
Url utilities.
Public classUtils_UrlUrlBuilder
Tool used to build an url with parameters.
Public classUtils_Xml
XML utilities.
Public classUtils_YUI
Intermediate utilities calling YUI (may fail if dll is not present).
Public classValidationException
Exception thrown when a validation failed.
Public classWCFImpersonator
Object used to impersonate the current WCF identity.
Public classWebImpersonator
Object used to impersonate the current Http Context identity.
Public classWebServiceConnectionException
Exception thrown if a connection to a web service could not be established.
Public classWindowsFeature
Represents a Windows feature.
Public classWindowsFeaturesCheckResult
Represents the result of a windows feature requirement check.
Public structureHtml
Represents an immutable html string.
Public structureJavaScript
Represents a piece of JavaScript code that will be inserted into an HTML string.
Public structureSerializableKeyValuePairK, V
Defines a key/value pair that can be set or retrieved.

This is a mutable version of KeyValuePair.

Public interfaceIHtmlException
Represents an exception that has an optional Html representation.
Public interfaceIJsonDeserializableRoot
Class with events called during JSON deserialization operations.
Public interfaceILogger
Represents a class that can log errors and provide last executed code steps.
Public interfaceIMicaException
Represents a class that can be thrown/created/not abstract.
Public interfaceISqlFilter
Represents a classic filter, for SQL use.
Public interfaceIXmlDeserializableRoot
Class with events called by MicaSystems.Utils.Utils_Xml class during deserialization operations.
Public delegateAdaptFilter
Represents a method that customizes a filter before its insertion in an SQL query.
Public delegateArchiveEvent
Represents a method called by an archive creator or extractor when a file have been processed.
Public delegatedGetGuid
Represents the method that returns a Guid.
Public delegatedGetInt
Represents the method that returns an integer.
Public delegatedGetLong
Represents the method that returns a long.
Public delegatedGetString
Represents the method that returns a String.
Public delegatedSetGuid
Represents the method that receives a Guid.
Public delegatedSetInt
Represents the method that receives an integer.
Public delegatedSetLong
Represents the method that receives a long.
Public delegatedSetString
Represents the method that receives a String.
Public delegateGenericPropertyGetter
Dynamic getter for a property.
Public delegateGenericPropertySetter
Dynamic setter for a property.
Public delegateSqlInitValue
Reprensents a method to call each time a value of a specific column is loaded from the database and is being placed in its object.
Public delegateUpdateProgressionMethod
Represents the method that receives a String.
Public enumerationBundleType
Identifies the type of code of a bundle.
Public enumerationDatabaseType
List of database types.
Public enumerationNumericValueType
Represents the type of unit represented by a number.
Public enumerationProjectBuildMode
The configuration used to build a project.
Public enumerationSqlColumnIdentifierType
Identifies a special behavior of a column.
Public enumerationUtils_LinqMoveDirection
Describes the direction used to move an object in a list.
Public enumerationVersionsComparison
Specifies how a version can be compared to another.