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Exceptions Class

Utilities allowing to create specific exceptions with other signatures.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  MicaSystems.Utils
Assembly:  MicaSystems.Utils (in MicaSystems.Utils.dll) Version: (
public static class Exceptions

The Exceptions type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberGenerateDisplayMessage

Generates a description of the exception.

This description includes type and message.

Public methodStatic memberGenerateDisplayMessageForWeb

Generates a description of the exception.

This description includes type and message.

Lines will be separated by a BR tag.

Public methodStatic memberGenerateFullDisplayMessage

Generates a description of the exception and its inner exceptions.

These descriptions include type and message.

Public methodStatic memberGenerateFullDisplayMessageForWeb

Generates a description of the exception and its inner exceptions.

These descriptions include type and message.

Lines will be separated by a BR tag.

Public methodStatic memberGenerateFullTechnicalMessage

Generates a complete description of the exception and its inner exceptions.

These descriptions include type, message, steps and stack trace.

If a logger is provided, the message will include its last steps.

Public methodStatic memberGenerateFullTechnicalMessageForWeb

Generates a complete description of the exception and its inner exceptions.

These descriptions include type, message, steps and stack trace.

If a logger is provided, the message will include its last steps.

Lines will be separated by a BR tag.

Public methodStatic memberGenerateTechnicalMessage

Generates a complete description of the exception.

This description includes type, message, steps and stack trace.

Public methodStatic memberGenerateTechnicalMessageForWeb

Generates a complete description of the exception.

This description includes type, message, steps and stack trace.

Lines will be separated by a BR tag.

Public methodStatic memberGetExceptionType(String, Exception)
Creates an new instance of ExceptionType (inheriting from MicaException).
Public methodStatic memberGetExceptionType(Exception, String, String)
Creates an new instance of ExceptionType (inheriting from MicaException).
Public methodStatic memberGetExceptionType(Exception, ILogger, String, String)
Creates an new instance of ExceptionType (inheriting from MicaException).
Public methodStatic memberGetExceptionType(String, Exception, ILogger, String, Int32, Object)
Creates an new instance of ExceptionType (inheriting from MicaException).
Public methodStatic memberGetAccessDeniedException
Creates an exception thrown when an operation could not be performed because of specific restrictions.
Public methodStatic memberGetAllExceptions
Gets all exceptions of the specified exception. This includes the exception itself followed by its inner exceptions.
Public methodStatic memberGetAllInnerExceptions
Gets all inner exceptions of the specified exception.
Public methodStatic memberGetArgumentException
Creates a new ArgumentException with message parts.
Public methodStatic memberGetBuildException
Creates an exception thrown when a project build failed.
Public methodStatic memberGetDataCollisionException
Create a generic exception thrown when different objects have been found with common unique keys.
Public methodStatic memberGetDirectoryNotFoundException
Creates a new DirectoryNotFoundException with message parts.
Public methodStatic memberGetFileNotFoundException
Creates a new FileNotFoundException with message parts.
Public methodStatic memberGetFormatException
Creates a new FormatException with message parts.
Public methodStatic memberGetInvalidCastException
Creates a new InvalidCastException with message parts.
Public methodStatic memberGetInvalidOperationException
Creates an exception thrown when a method call is invalid for the object's current.
Public methodStatic memberGetInvalidStateException
Creates an exception thrown when the current object state does not allow to perform an operation.
Public methodStatic memberGetMissingDataException
Creates an exception thrown when required data are missing on an object.
Public methodStatic memberGetMissingMethodException
Creates a new MissingMethodException with message parts.
Public methodStatic memberGetNotImplementedException
Creates a new NotImplementedException with message parts.
Public methodStatic memberGetObjectNotFoundException
Creates an exception thrown when an object has not been found.
Public methodStatic memberGetOperationFailedException(String)
Create a generic exception thrown when an operation failed.
Public methodStatic memberGetOperationFailedException(String)
Creates a new OperationFailedException with message parts.
Public methodStatic memberGetOperationFailedException(Exception, String)
Creates a new OperationFailedException with a formatted message.
Public methodStatic memberGetTraceLog(StackTrace, StringBuilder)
Gets the complete stack trace, each line representing a method call.

Note : if a builder is provided, this method will return null.

Public methodStatic memberGetTraceLog(Exception, StringBuilder)
Gets the complete stack trace, each line representing a method call.

Note : if a builder is provided, this method will return null.

Public methodStatic memberGetTraceLogForWeb(StackTrace, HtmlBuilder)
Gets the complete stack trace as HTML, each line representing a method call.

Note : if a builder is provided, this method will return an empty HTML string.

Public methodStatic memberGetTraceLogForWeb(Exception, HtmlBuilder)
Gets the complete stack trace as HTML, each line representing a method call.

Note : if a builder is provided, this method will return an empty HTML string.

Public methodStatic memberGetValidationException
Creates an exception thrown when a validation failed.
Public methodStatic memberThrowIfNull(Object, String)
Throws an ArgumentNullException if the object is null.
Public methodStatic memberThrowIfNull(Object, String, String, String)
Throws an ArgumentNullException if the object is null.
Public methodStatic memberThrowIfNullOrEmpty(Guid, String, String)
Throws an ArgumentNullException if the guid is null or equal to an empty guid.
Public methodStatic memberThrowIfNullOrEmpty(String, String, String)
Throws an ArgumentNullException if the string is null or empty.
See Also